Saturday , October 5 2024

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Workplace Stress management . What are the impact of workplace stress on human health.

Introduction to Stress Management: Stress is a natural response to pressure or demands, which can arise from various sources such as work, relationships, or financial issues. Stress management involves techniques and strategies to cope with and reduce the negative effects of stress on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Recognizing and addressing stress is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and achieving success in personal and professional endeavors. Factors Influencing Workplace Stress: Demands: Refers to the workload, deadlines, and expectations placed on employees. High demands without adequate resources or support can lead to stress. Control: The level of autonomy and decision-making …

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Peter Hollins’ “The Power of Self-discipline

In Peter Hollins’ “The Power of Self-discipline”, he highlights several strategies to develop positive habits. Here are 7 lessons from the book:1. Start Small, Win Big: Instead of feeling overwhelmed by big goals, begin with 5-minute exercises that build momentum and confidence. These bite-sized actions boost self-control and pave the way for larger habit formation.2. Understand what situations tempt you to stray from your goals. Knowing your weaknesses allows you to anticipate and navigate them, preventing derailment before it happens.3. Silence the negative self-talk that sabotages your progress. Practice self-compassion, celebrate your efforts, and view setbacks as opportunities to learn …

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Business Think: Rules for Getting It Right–Now, and No Matter What!” by Dave Marcum, Steve Smith, and Mahan Khalsa

“Business Think: Rules for Getting It Right–Now, and No Matter What!” by Dave Marcum, Steve Smith, and Mahan Khalsa is a book that provides practical advice and strategies for success in business. Here are seven key lessons from the book:1. Customer-centric approach: The book emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the needs of customers, focusing on building relationships and delivering value.2. Strategic thinking: “Business Think” highlights the significance of strategic thinking in decision-making, planning, and problem-solving within the business context.3. Effective communication: The authors stress the importance of clear and effective communication in all aspects of business, including negotiations, …

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Believe It to Achieve It” by Brian Tracy and Christina Stein

“Believe It to Achieve It” by Brian Tracy and Christina Stein is a book that focuses on the power of belief and its impact on achieving success. While I can’t provide the exact lessons from the book, I can offer some general principles that are often discussed in books on similar topics:1. The Power of Belief: Understanding the influence of beliefs on our actions and outcomes.2. Goal Setting: The importance of setting clear, achievable goals and aligning them with one’s beliefs.3. Positive Thinking: Emphasizing the role of positive thinking and mindset in achieving success.4. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Strategies for identifying …

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20 Lessons from the book -“EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE “

20 Lessons from the book -“EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE “ 1 Rational and Emotional. It is mentioned in the book that there are two different bits of intelligence. Throughout our lives, we make decisions by being influenced by these two types of intelligence. Who we are, what we do, our reactions depend entirely on it. The underlying reason for our very clever actions or our irrational but feel-good behaviors depends on these two types of intelligence. 2 / IQ Isn’t As Important As We Think IQ can’t get you beyond being a good employee. It makes you graduate from school, but it …

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