20 Lessons from the book -“EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE “
1 Rational and Emotional.
It is mentioned in the book that there are two different bits of intelligence. Throughout our lives, we make decisions by being influenced by these two types of intelligence. Who we are, what we do, our reactions depend entirely on it. The underlying reason for our very clever actions or our irrational but feel-good behaviors depends on these two types of intelligence.
2 / IQ Isn’t As Important As We Think
IQ can’t get you beyond being a good employee. It makes you graduate from school, but it can’t find you a job. When you go to the job interview, your diploma cannot answer the questions during the interview. You need to have good communication with the person who will hire you. It all depends on your emotional intelligence.
3 Areas of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is responsible for our motivation, awareness, empathy, and relationships. They’re all interconnected, and if you’re bad at one, you’re more likely to be bad at the others.
4 The Emotional Brain Is Stronger
The outer upper part of our brain is the part where we make rational decisions, while the lower part is the part where we make emotional decisions. No matter how rational beings we may appear, we can very easily be deceived by the emotional brain. We can find excuses to trick the rational brain into doing what the emotional brain wants.
5 Others’ Feelings
Thanks to our empathy, we can truly understand how others are feeling. If we could not distinguish between happy or angry people, there would be incredible chaos. Beyond these two basic emotions, we must develop an ability to empathize. In the absence of empathy, our communication aspect is affected very badly.
6 Motivation
Our motivation, which enables us to endure the problems we face for a long time, is also a product of emotional intelligence. We can convince ourselves that we can solve problems. We can remain optimistic and have hope for the future.
7 Awareness
One of our most difficult aspects to develop is our awareness. We must practice understanding how we truly feel. We must ask ourselves questions. We must listen to ourselves.
8 Relationships
Relationships cannot be let go. It must be managed. This requires mutual tolerance and understanding.
9 Negative and Positive Emotions
Our emotions change every moment, but the longer negative emotions stay
10 Productivity
11 Emotional Intelligence Is The Key To Success
12 Leadership
13 Teams
14 Stress
15 Marriage
16 Leadership
- Emotions Are All Normal
18/ Being able to Express Your Emotions
19/You Are Not Your Emotions
20/ Timing
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