Sunday , October 6 2024

Human Psychology

Pscho-social support for UK older/aged people

I provide Psych-Social support to older or aged people living in United kingdom. Those older people living in isolation and feeling lonely are my main client to provide support and encourage them to live a happy life. I provide all the services with reasonable fee. I am sohail abbas , master in social work and master in sociology as well, having 9 years experience in the social support system.

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What is the most clever life hack you’ve learned

1. Read more, or your mind will be only determined by the people around you .2. If people dare to ask you for something, you should dare to say no. 3. If you see a product for free, then you are actually the product. 4. Spend your money with an investment mindset, focusing on the benefits, not the price. 5. Where commerce cannot reach, ignorance and war will. 6. No one will suddenly stop loving you, you just suddenly realize it. 7. It’s not the shocking waves that swallow you up, it’s those everyday routines. 8. Proud people are those …

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What makes a man fall in love with a woman

Honesty: Someone that is brutally honest. Not someone that just tells you what you want to hear. Even if it jeopardizes the relationship itself, honesty goes a long way. Trust: There can’t be love with no trust. Trust is earned and not given away. And from my experience, it’s hard to find. Loyalty: Someone that goes through your life in good and bad. Has your back in the bad times, not just the good. They support you in front of friends and family. Respect: They respect your wants, needs and desires of the relationship. They respect your feelings and won’t …

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What is the biggest lie society has taught you to believe?

LIE: “Work hard and you’ll achieve financial freedom.” Yes, it’s a popular belief that hard work pays off. And it does. In fact, hard work is non-negotiable. But… there’s a LIMIT to hard work. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and I can guarantee you will meet these limits EVERY single day. But, if Jeff Bezos grew his net worth by $75 billion in 2020 — does that mean he worked 1,000,000 X harder than someone making $75K a year? Obviously no! So yes, there’s hard work, but hard work will always face our human limitations. …

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What are the Psychology of men about women

No man wants a woman who is accessible to every man. Men value women who are loyal and always feel the pride of having such a woman of value. You will reach the age where you can easily tell that the relationship is not going to work just by the conversation. Fall in love with the mind, it has a bigger percentage than the heart. If you have to beg someone to do the bare minimum for you and if you have to keep telling them how you deserve to be treated better, for goodness sake leave. It’s not worth …

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