Sunday , October 6 2024

What makes a man fall in love with a woman

Honesty: Someone that is brutally honest. Not someone that just tells you what you want to hear. Even if it jeopardizes the relationship itself, honesty goes a long way.

Trust: There can’t be love with no trust. Trust is earned and not given away. And from my experience, it’s hard to find.

Loyalty: Someone that goes through your life in good and bad. Has your back in the bad times, not just the good. They support you in front of friends and family.

Respect: They respect your wants, needs and desires of the relationship. They respect your feelings and won’t manipulate them if it doesn’t fit their agenda. They will carry their self in a way that doesn’t harm you.

Independent: Someone who can take care of their self.

Priority: Someone that wants you to be around and in their life, not a convenience. Will put you before “most” people and always has your back.

Humor/intelligence : Someone who doesn’t take life too serious. These two can go hand and hand. Finds humor in most things others wouldn’t, and has intelligence to back it up.

Spontaneous: Last minute plans, throw a ball cap on and go with it! Something sounds fun, let’s go do it.

Physical touch: That hug you get when you feel like you found the missing link. Or that kiss you get where your body completely relaxes.

Sex appeal: Can wear sweats and a ball cap, or a dress and heels and still have that glow.

Conversation: Someone that can talk just about anything and make it interesting.

Authenticity: Someone who is their self. They don’t try to be someone they are not. They don’t portray a life on social media that isn’t true.

Self awareness: This is huge. Many think they have it, many want to have it, but most don’t. It requires a brutal inventory of yourself. The good and the bad. If you find someone that is willing to look at character defects and really work on them, that there alone might be enough to keep her.

The above list is probably a fantasy! 🤣 We are all working on something.

I’m finally doing my own self work, after 3 failed relationships. I’m far from perfect and a work in progress!

Just don’t lie and cheat on me.

Bottom line, finding someone that’s on the same page and wants to take on life together. You will support one another through “most” bumps.

That’s where true love is formed. When you look at her and know she has your back, even in the most difficult of times.

She has that look, “don’t worry, I got you.”

About Sohail Abbas

I am a social scientist, Master in social work and master of philosophy in sociology. I provide services in counselling, trauma management and behavior modifications. I am also a family social work. I give sessions in the mentioned above fields with reasonable fee.

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